Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Best of Thanksgiving TAKEOUT with all the trimmings!

You heard me right! Do you really want to bust butt to brine and bake a turkey? It is also ridiculously expensive to buy a turkey here unless you are sleeping with someone at the UN commissary and for the price of turkey in this town I have considered it.

Just head over to the Marriott on Park Ring, opposite Stadt Park and for 175 Euros they pack you a full turkey for 4 (and I had left overs), salad, stuffing, potatoes, beans, a bottle of red and dessert in two bags to go! I know for sure what I'm thankful for!

Ok, they don't do pumpkin pie, but given how easy one is to make I take on that singular chore and the rest is up to the Marriott Cook Gods. And really who remembers the beginning and middle when the finish is strong and self baked!?

If you don't want to do Thanksgiving at home then call Franks and book a table and they do it full on American style at their restaurant. Just make that call early because they get full early on. Either way, you don't have to miss home so much and with kids who had time to hunt down a turkey in this town!

So as the old joke goes - what are you going to make for dinner tonight? Reservations :-)


Vienna Marriott Hotel (go to the Sales Office
Parkring 12a
Vienna, 1010 Austria
Phone: 43 1 515180

Laurenzerberg 2
1010 Vienna

01/533 78 05
E-Mail: restaurant@franks.at

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